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August 3, 2023

European Commission Adopts the New EU-U.S. Data Privacy Framework

The European Commission has given its seal of approval to the EU-U.S. Data Privacy Framework, marking a significant stride towards fostering safe transatlantic data flows and offering European citizens enhanced protection for their personal data.

Key Highlights

Assured Level of Protection: The Commission's adequacy decision confirms that the U.S. provides a comparable level of protection for personal data as that in the European Union. This green light means that data can now flow smoothly between the EU and U.S. companies involved in the Framework without necessitating added data protection measures.

Advanced Safeguards: The new framework seeks to address concerns previously raised by the European Court of Justice. It introduces tighter control over access to EU data by U.S. intelligence services and inaugurates the Data Protection Review Court (DPRC). Crucially, if the DPRC identifies any data collection that breaches these safeguards, it possesses the authority to mandate data deletion.

Strengthened Protection Mechanisms: US companies, upon joining the framework, will be obligated to abide by stringent privacy measures. These include mandates like deleting personal data once it's no longer required and ensuring ongoing protection even when sharing data with third parties.

Redress Mechanisms for EU Citizens: If EU citizens find their data mishandled by U.S. companies, they now have access to several remediation avenues, inclusive of cost-free independent dispute resolution mechanisms and arbitration panels.

Protection from US Public Authorities: The U.S. legal system introduces a host of safeguards around data accessed by public authorities, especially in cases related to criminal law enforcement and national security.

Periodic Review: The framework's efficacy will undergo regular assessments. The inaugural review is set for a year after the adequacy decision's enforcement, focusing on the practical implementation and operation of the U.S. legal components.


This monumental step was born out of the necessity to rebuild the bridge between the EU and U.S. after the EU-U.S. Privacy Shield faced invalidation by the EU Court of Justice. Negotiations ensued, resulting in an agreement in principle in March 2022 between President Ursula von der Leyen and President Joe Biden. By October 2022, legal instruments were in place to cement these commitments, addressing the concerns raised by the Court of Justice in the Schrems II decision of July 2020.

Closing Words

President Ursula von der Leyen emphasizes the importance of this framework, stating, “The new EU-U.S. Data Privacy Framework will ensure safe data flows for Europeans and bring legal certainty to companies on both sides of the Atlantic... It shows that by working together, we can address the most complex issues.”

This newly endorsed framework is anticipated to not only fortify trust among European citizens concerning their data security but also bolster economic relationships between the EU and U.S., further demonstrating shared values and commitment between the two.

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