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August 10, 2023

Strengthening Transatlantic Ties: Highlights from the EU-US Trade and Technology Council Meeting in Luleå

The recent convening of the EU-US Trade and Technology Council (TTC) in Luleå, Sweden, marks a pivotal moment in the strengthening relationship between these two global powerhouses. Their discussions covered a breadth of topics, from technological advancements to shared concerns about global security. Let's delve into the significant outcomes and what they mean for the transatlantic partnership.

Unlocking the AI Potential

Both the EU and the US see the unparalleled promise in Artificial Intelligence. Their discussions in Luleå centered around formulating standards and tools to ensure AI remains trustworthy, emphasizing the importance of generative AI systems. This collaboration is not only about maximizing economic benefits but also about ensuring ethical considerations remain at the forefront of AI development.

Semiconductor Collaboration: More Than Just Chips

The semiconductor industry, a critical component of modern technology, saw enhanced cooperation between the two entities. With agreements on early-warning systems for supply chains and subsidy transparency, both sides showcased their dedication to maintaining the industry's robustness and resilience, especially in light of the recent global chip shortage.

Driving the Future: E-Mobility & 6G Connectivity

The EU and the US are collaboratively looking at the future of transportation and connectivity. Their consensus on a universal standard for electric vehicle charging demonstrates a commitment to a greener future. Simultaneously, their shared vision for 6G technology underscores the importance of staying ahead in the global tech race.

Safeguarding the Digital Realm

In an age where digital threats are omnipresent, the EU and the US have shown their commitment to online protection. Their focus on safeguarding minors online and taking concrete steps against foreign information manipulation, especially from Russia, emphasizes their dedication to a safer digital world for all.

Sustainable Trade for a Greener Tomorrow

Both sides recognize the urgent need for sustainable practices in global trade. Their decisions in Luleå, such as the mutual recognition for pharmaceuticals and initiatives for clean energy transitions, reflect a shared vision for a future where economic growth and environmental stewardship go hand in hand.

A United Front on Global Security

With geopolitical tensions escalating in regions like Russia and Belarus, the EU and the US have aligned their strategies, especially concerning export restrictions on sensitive items. This collective stance, coupled with measures for rigorous foreign investment screening, signifies a deeper commitment to global security and stability.

In Retrospect

The TTC's meeting in Luleå wasn't just another diplomatic gathering. The bilateral trade of a staggering €1.55 trillion in 2022, with €100 billion in digital trade, underscores the council's importance. The outcomes of this meeting highlight the depth of the transatlantic partnership, as both the EU and the US jointly pave the way for innovation, shared economic prosperity, and a reaffirmation of mutual values.

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